January 31, 2024
Tapping In: ORCA Monthly News for January 2024

Tell Us How We’re Doing
Your opinion matters! As one of our trusted newsletter subscribers, you are an invaluable member of the ORCA team and your opinions are important. As we craft our monthly newsletters, we want to be sure we’re creating content that you care about.
Take the survey below for your opportunity to give us feedback and to help guide the direction of Tapping In for 2024.
We truly appreciate your interest in ORCA and hope you have a moment to complete the short survey. All responses are completely anonymous. Thank you for your feedback!
Boxes and Boxes of Boops!

At long last, the Boop plushies have arrived! An armada of Boops are now at the ORCA offices and with our regional agency partners.
The Boop toys will be available at ORCA customer events throughout 2024, as well as agency outreach events around the region. We will also make them available via drawings and contests administered via our newsletter and social media platforms.
Speaking of contests…
Calling All Poets! ORCA Poetry Contest

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Have a fun transit or ORCA-related poem? We’d love to read it.
Using the form linked below, you can submit your poem with a chance to have it shared across ORCA social media on February 14th AND you could win a new Boop plushy toy for you and yours! A reminder that all submissions will be screened for inappropriate language.
We look forward to reading your Puget Sound poetry!