May 27, 2022
Updated: ORCA Launch Troubleshooting Tips
Answers for the most common customer questions.

Here are the most frequently asked questions from our customers during the first weeks of the ORCA launch:
Can’t access or login to my account
Account information from did not transfer to You will need to create a new account using your email, and then link your current card to view your balance online. Here is a YouTube video to show you how to do this:
Security questions and password issues with my new account
We have received some reports of the security questions and/or password selection crashing when registering a new account. Please be sure to follow the stated instructions and let ORCA customer service know if the problem continues. Also, check and make sure there are no extra spaces when creating your security question answers.
Cant find where to log out of my account
You can log out by clicking Sign Out in the upper left hand corner of the window.
Can’t see my balance or passes on my employer or school-issued card
There are two types of card access: full access and load only. When your employer or school provides a card to you and they load funds or passes on it for you, they own the card and typically have full access rights to the card. Currently, only one person can have full access level per card, but we’ve heard from customers that they would like to see this information and we’re looking into a solution for this. Customers who want to have full access to their own card can purchase a new card and link it to their account.
Temporary changes to card readers during replacement
As we are transitioning equipment, card balance information not showing, and single boops on card readers is temporary. After the transition is complete later this summer, you will be able to see your balance on the card readers, and hear a distinct boop when you tap off.
You can read more about these updates here:
Some cards may have negative balances
There are riders that rely on card readers to know their ORCA card balance. Right now, card readers do not show this information when you tap. This feature will come back to the readers later this summer.
During this ongoing transition you can check your ORCA card balance using one of these alternatives:
- ORCA ticket vending machines
- myORCA mobile app
- ORCA Customer Service (in-person or over the phone)
To avoid running out of funds or having your card blocked for having a negative balance, please remember to check your balance using the alternatives listed above and add value as needed or set up an autoload so you don’t run out of funds.
Trouble adding a payment method
Adding a payment method to a new account has been tricky for some customers.
On the website: the link to add a payment method is on the left sidebar. This is illustrated here.
On the app: The link to add a payment method is on the bottom bar. This is illustrated here.
And please remember, you must add a payment method before you set an autoload. Watch a video on how to set up an autoload here.
Do I need to get a new card?
No, all cards will continue to work in the new system. Keep tapping your current card!
Some verification and sign-up emails are arriving late
Some customers are having to wait a long time, hours in some cases, to receive verification emails from the new website or app when registering an account. We have found that this is mostly impacting Yahoo or AOL email addresses. The emails WILL eventually reach your inbox. The delays are decreasing and should continue to improve as the week progresses.
Some cards simply aren’t working
There have been reports of cards not working properly on some or all card readers. Please keep tapping like normal. We are aware of the issue and we hope to have a fix soon.